

Annelies Zijderveld authored Steeped: Recipes Infused with Tea, selected by The Los Angeles Times as one of their favorite cookbooks in 2015. She writes about food, culture, and the arts with work appearing in epicurious, EatingWell, Simply Recipes, the Kitchn, EaterSF, San Francisco Classical Voice, and more. Her photography has appeared in the Los Angeles Times. Poetry publications include Acentos Review, MER, L.A. Taco, Ethel Zine, Alexandria Quarterly and others. She is Senior Interviews Editor at The Rumpus and a former contributing editor for Harpy Hybrid Review and Poetry International. In 2017, the International Association of Culinary Professionals selected her as the volunteer of the year. From 2020 to 2021, she served on the board of IACP. She holds an MFA in poetry from New England College, a BA in journalism from Southern Methodist University, an MA in Intercultural Studies, and an MA in Theological Studies. When she’s not writing and editing, she teaches cooking classes in San Francisco and resides in Oakland. Find her on Instagram at @anneliesz.

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